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    General Anesthesia


    Procedure Time

    1-3 Hours

    Overnight Stay

    1 Night

    Return To Work

    3-7 Days

    Liposuction is applied to people who have fat that cannot be removed with regional slimming methods, to remove the excess fat tissue and to give the body a better shape. Liposuction is generally applied by vacuuming and removing fat tissues that are made more fluid by various methods through 1-2 mm incisions using thin and long cannulas with a diameter of 2-3 mm. Thighs, arms, hips, waist, back, chest and chin are among the areas that can be treated.

    Why and to Whom is Liposuction Performed?

    Liposuction is not a slimming method; it is only a method that provides sectional thinning and body lines to become smoother. Liposuction is a method that can be applied to anyone who does not have a systemic health problem, who is not pregnant or who has not given birth. But heart disease, diabetes, etc. Before placing an indication for application to people with systemic health problems, certain tests should be applied to determine risk factors and necessary precautions should be taken against dangerous situations. Although age does not constitute an obstacle to this application, it cannot be applied to some elderly patients due to the age-related loss of skin elasticity.

    Risks and Complications

    There is no harm in the fat absorption process unless more fat is taken from the body than necessary. However, those who adopt an unhealthy diet after this operation or who use this method as a short-term slimming method instead of getting rid of regional fat cells are disappointed and damaged because they do not reach the result they expect in the long term.

    Pre-consultation Before Liposuction

    In the pre-consultation you will make with your doctor before liposuction surgery, your doctor will listen to your complaints and expectations from the surgery and determine the most suitable operation method for you. A detailed examination and routine examinations for the surgery will be done by your doctor before liposuction surgery. In order to find out whether the drugs used and drug allergies, if any, will prevent the surgery, should be shared with the doctor before the liposuction surgery. Before liposuction surgery; Blood thinners and nutrients should be stopped using at least 1 week before. Drinking and smoking habits, which are known to have a negative side-effect on the healing process, should be stopped, and a transition to the nutritional model recommended by your doctor should be provided. Since your doctor will measure in the last examination before liposuction surgery, it is important to avoid any movement that will cause excessive weight loss or excessive weight gain after the examination.

    After Liposuction

    Having this application does not mean that you will not gain weight again. In order not to gain weight again, it is very important to pay attention to post-operative lifestyle, diet and exercise. If there is frequent weight gain and loss, the application will not be very successful. Specially produced corsets should be used after the operation. These corsets are used for about 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the amount of adipose tissue taken and the characteristics of the person’s body. Edema and bruises are expected but this situation disappears over time. Sutures are removed one week after the operation, and if there is no problem in the general condition of the patient after 1-3 weeks, they can return to work and daily life. Normal exercises can be resumed 3-4 weeks after the application.